TROY Intelligent

Les drones accouchent d'une nouvelle posture de "voyage en boîte vide"


The domestic 5A-level scenic spot, Shenzhen Window of the World, and Meituan UAV cooperated to officially launch the first domestic scenic route. It is reported that the new route starts from Yitian Holiday Plaza, a shopping center about 1 km outside the scenic spot, and can deliver all kinds of online celebrity restaurants, wet wipes, sweat wipes, anti-mosquito stickers, etc. Goods will be delivered to Window of the World. In the future, the scenic spot will also use drones to deliver more high-quality goods to help tourists reduce the burden on their backpacks, so that everyone can have a "what you think is what you get" experience without leaving the park.

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"Low-altitude economy" reduces the burden on backpacks
The drone can be sent to the landmarks in 5 minutes at the fastest
"The biggest obstacle for my family to travel with the baby is unclear toys, milk powder bottles, diapers, wet wipes, sweat towels... Every time I go out, I need to bring several bags, and I'm tired and sweaty before I go far. And there are often omissions.” At Window of the World, when the reporter met Ms. Qin, who was taking her family on a trip, she had just ordered an Internet celebrity milk tea set meal for the whole family through the Meituan drone, and only waited for 5 minutes. In about a minute, the drone will deliver the milk tea to your hand.
What surprised her even more was that, in addition to Internet celebrity restaurants, drones can also be used to purchase maternal and child products in the scenic area. "In this way, even if you forget to bring wet wipes and milk powder, you can order takeaway to deliver it, which will be much more convenient."
The reporter learned on the spot that Naixue’s tea store, which is responsible for making milk tea, is about 20 minutes’ walk away from the landing point of the drone, and the delivery service in the past could not reach the inside of the scenic spot. Even if tourists want to order takeaway, they have to walk for more than 10 minutes Picking up the goods at the entrance of the scenic spot is fast and convenient, which has become the biggest selling point of drone delivery in the scenic spot.
"In fact, we and Window of the World had landed a temporary route here in a flash mob last October. This cooperation is an upgrade on the basis of the previous cooperation. Not only is the delivery time faster, but the product selection is better. Consumers who visit Window of the World in the future can enjoy the drone delivery service.” According to the person in charge of Meituan’s drones, the first batch of merchants connected to the new route includes Nayuki’s Well-known brands such as Tea, Genki Sushi, and BABYCARE enable consumers to not only buy various gourmet drinks in the scenic area, but also "call" the drone to deliver them when they forget to bring necessities such as wet wipes and sweat wipes. to hand, and the wait time is only a few minutes.
"The addition of the supply of maternal and child products this time is mainly because we have seen an increasingly strong demand in the market." The above-mentioned person in charge revealed to reporters that with the improvement of take-out services in recent years, people's dependence on this service has increased. With each passing day, in addition to being essential at home, many consumers will buy necessities such as maternal and child products, toiletries, mobile phone data cables, etc. through takeout near hotels, scenic spots and other destinations, even when they are away from home. The takeaway staff ran errands to keep warm and change clothes for them.
Robot de répartitionMore than 30% of mother and baby takeaways are sent outdoors
Commercial upgrading promotes the integration of leisure vacations and local life
The rise of takeaway in scenic spots has freed travel consumption from "carrying ahead". According to data from Meituan, the number of takeaway orders sent to campsites in scenic spots during the National Day holiday last year increased by more than double digits year-on-year; Rods, etc. became the highest-selling commodity.
In addition, new parents, represented by the "post-90s", are very interested in "empty box travel", and more than 30% of mother and baby takeaway orders such as wet wipes, milk powder, and sweat towels will be sent to outdoor scenes such as scenic spots .
Wu Ruoshan, chercheur spécial au Centre de recherche sur le tourisme de l'Académie chinoise des sciences sociales, a déclaré il y a quelques jours qu'avec la mise à niveau de divers formats commerciaux, la flexibilité des voyages et le désir d'explorer deviennent de plus en plus forts, et les vacances de loisirs et les besoins de la vie locale évoluent vers l'intégration. De l'avis des experts, à long terme, il deviendra progressivement une nouvelle tendance de consommation de voyages pour les consommateurs d'exploiter la riche offre de plateformes locales pour obtenir une expérience de vie plus diversifiée, et la nouvelle expérience contribuera également efficacement à accélérer la croissance. de l'industrie du tourisme.

Afin de mieux servir les consommateurs, l'équipe UAV de Meituan continue non seulement à se développer dans de nouveaux scénarios, mais enrichit également constamment son propre contenu de service. Fin décembre 2022, les drones Meituan ont atterri à Shenzhen et Shanghai, couvrant 18 communautés et immeubles de bureaux, desservant près de 20 000 ménages et livrant plus de 20 000 types de marchandises, couvrant la restauration, les cosmétiques, les produits de grande consommation, les supermarchés, les produits électroniques et autres types.
Robot de répartitionDe plus, au cours des deux années de fonctionnement d'essai normal, son équipe a effectué plus de 120 000 tâches de livraison, dont plus de 100 000 commandes seront exécutées en 2022, une augmentation d'une année sur l'autre de plus de 400 %. En termes d'efficacité de livraison, le délai de livraison moyen des drones est d'environ 12. Par rapport au délai de livraison moyen de près de 30 minutes en mode traditionnel, l'efficacité a augmenté de près de 150 %, permettant aux utilisateurs d'économiser près de 30 000 heures de temps d'attente.
Au début de cette année, la solution logistique urbaine à basse altitude des drones Meituan a également passé l'examen et l'approbation de l'Administration de l'aviation civile de Chine, et a obtenu la "Lettre d'approbation pour l'exploitation à l'essai de types spécifiques de drones" et "Aviation générale Enterprise Business License" délivré par le département. Le résultat de l'examen signifie que les drones Meituan ont les qualifications pour devenir une compagnie d'aviation générale dans le domaine du fret et peuvent démarrer des opérations commerciales et d'autres travaux. "À l'avenir, nous espérons coopérer avec davantage de nouvelles marques et de nouveaux scénarios, afin que chacun puisse vraiment vivre l'expérience consommateur de meilleure qualité apportée par la technologie." Le responsable des drones Meituan a déclaré.


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